Oh, so you think your significant other is the best thing since sliced bread, do you? Well, you are so wrong. I know, you have to disagree with me to keep yourself in the good graces of that other person, but we both know the truth. Deep down you do agree with me. Now, what the hell am I talking about here? Patience my friend. I will shortly reveal all.
OK, my gaming habit sometimes get me into trouble. OK, I get into trouble all the time. I forget appointments, forget to make dinner, forget to have a life. My wife knows all this about me, but she still loves me. How sweet, huh? Shut-up over there. Just read the damn story. If I wanted your opinion...OK, I know. I ask for opinions all the time. This time, just wait until the end. This is my life here I'm talking about. To continue, after being so rudely interrupted, my family (specifically my wife and daughter) decided to accompany me to the store today. It's one of those big stores that have a little bit of everything in it. We had to drive quite a ways to get there. What was so interesting there that I'd be away from my beloved game console for several hours (all at once, in the same day even)? Why, videogames of course.
That wasn't the only thing I went there for, but of course, being a gamer that's what I tend to focus on. This store was pretty nice. Lots of clothes, books, household cleaners, you know the types of stuff. My favorite. The electronics section. I love to see all the movies, TVs, and the gaming stuff there. There is one problem with all this stuff though. I want it all and have no budget for it. Gaming by GlossGreen is a non-profit organization. No, I am not a charity (although I have been referred to as a charity case), and I do have a real job where I earn real money. I'd starve if I had to rely on my writing. But enough about me. As the title suggests, this is about my better half. Why better? Because she does stuff like this:
A couple of months ago, after having to put up with a friend of hers (usually a nice girl, but a pain in the but on this trip) she let me get a PS3. Out of the blue. Just like that. I know she did it to try to make it up to me, but i probably would have settled for a movie. Today, after driving for hours, pretending to be a tour guide (don't try that people, especially when it's dark), we finally got to the place we were trying to get to. This is after I got us lost more than a couple of times. And no, I didn't ask for directions. Usually this would make the non-driving person a little irritated. Not the wife, at least not this time. So, we get into the store and start looking around. We find a lot of stuff to send the family (ie...late Christmas, birthday presents. I know, I suck), we finally make it over to the electronic section. Here's were she really started to shine.
First, my 12 year old daughter decides that she wants to get into WoW. My wife didn't have a problem with that. Now looking at this situation, I'm a little cautious. Do I really want my daughter to do that. She's already pale enough. She'll practically glow if she doesn't get more sun soon. I know first hand about not being able to quit a game. Now how about a game that doesn't end...ever. OK, so we tell her we will check out the subscription costs and see about getting the game for her. We'll probably let her get it though (shh, just don't tell her yet). Next, we start walking by the console games section. I look around, check out a few things. No new PS3 games I want to get. Only the Pro and Arcade 360s, no go there. PS2 games don't look interesting. DS? Um, no. Now, the PSP. I jokingly ask my wife if I could get one. She paused, thinks about it, and remains uncommitted. We start walking away. That's when I ask her how much I can spend there (a couple of movies did manage to catch my eye). At that point she turns around. She looks at me, and says a few fateful words. "You can get it if you want to." I just stood there kinda surprised for a couple of seconds. My next response was brilliant. "Really?" She at that point stated that I was an adult and could do what I wanted. I asked my thought provoking question again, only to have her say, "If you want it, go ahead". So, I got my PSP today.
Looking back on the last few years, I see how supportive of my unfortunate addiction she has been. Through the Nintendo Entertainment System collecting time, to the PS1 years, getting a replacement Atari 2600 for the one I lost as a kid, to the PS2 years, on to PC gaming, and now the PS3 decade. Add to that, my new PSP, and I see a hell of a lot of support for my money and time bleeding habit. After we get our tax return back, I have no doubt, that she'll be willing to let me get a 360 (as long as it's an Elite, or whatever the new model will be) to sit beside my PS3. My only question now? What is she going to want from me when she cashes in this manhole sized marker?
Update: To see what I think about my shiny new PSP check this out.
Posted in
Sony PlayStation 3,
Sony PSP
Tax Return Season.
Well, it's that special time of the year again. Tax Return Time! Have you done your taxes like a good little taxpayer should? No, not yet? Well, me neither, so don't feel bad. Note for all you under 18s out there: Don't worry, you'll be paying taxes like a good upstanding citizen soon, too. Just don't be like Wesley Snipes or Leona Helmsley. Or even worse...Al Capone. Don't know who they are? Read a book. Since I expect great riches back from the government of the U.S. of A. I have a nice long list of games and hardware to buy (by "great riches" I mean enough to help expand my little operation here). WARNING: List to follow. Probably boring.
2008 is shaping up to be a fantastic year to be a gamer. Every time I go online I see another great game that I want to get. The number of games on my want list is getting very long indeed (and quite costly). Starting with my current console of choice (choice because it's the only one I have right now), here are some of my most wanted PS3 games.
Where to start? I guess the beginning would be a good place, such as early '08. First up on my list is Turok. Why? Because I'm a fan of the original N64 games, and maybe if I buy the whole game my daughter will stop playing the demo incessantly, and of course, I'll get to shoot dinosaurs. I know this game is out now, but due to lack of an operating budget here at Gaming by GlossGreen I'll just have to suck it up and wait. OK government, when I file I expect my money post haste. Pronto. Immediately. Now. Alright, I made my point clear. Looking at the next few months just makes my mouth water. I HAVE to get the Dual Shock 3 in April. I have no choice in this. I had it for my other PlayStation consoles, so why couldn't I have it with this new one? By finally releasing this controller Sony is just bringing the balance back to the force. Maybe this lone move will put Sony back into the average gamers good graces. I'll keep my eyes open for that one, but holding my breath is out of the question. I love first person shooters, so I have to add Haze and Turning Point: Fall Of Liberty to my list. This origins trailer has completely sold me on Haze. Prototype is also shaping up to be one interesting game (the character himself has me intrigued). As far at the end of '08 goes, I'm looking forward to Resistance 2 (for obvious reasons), Dead Space (survival horror in space. SPACE!), and LEGO Batman (I just loved the LEGO Star Wars games). Oh, and a couple of small endeavors called Home and Little Big Planet. I don't have to explain those two, do I?
Next up, the Xbox 360. I have one problem with my list for Xbox games. Specifically, I don't have an Xbox yet. So...that is obviously first on my list. As for games, again, I have to start at the beginning. Unlike the PS3, the Xbox beginning for me would have to be 2001, not this year. Since I have yet to play (with the exception of a brief try of Halo 1) any Xbox games, I would need to start there. I do have a number of the original Xbox games on my list that are must buys. But where to start? The Halo series is an obvious first choice. From there I'll just have to experiment and see what more I need to get. I won't talk about the other originals I want here. I'll primarily stick with the 360 games in this post. Now, as far as those 360 games I was talking about, I have to start with the no-brainers, specifically Halo 3, Gears Of War, BioShock and Mass Effect. I know there are many others, but those few will definitely satisfy me to start with. As far as the new games coming this year, I have to go with Halo Wars (duh), Fable 2 (have to get number 1 also), Too Human (if it makes '08), and maybe that Ninja Whatwhosits sequel, you know the one I'm talking about. Oh, there are a ton of other ones, too that I've forgotten to mention. Plus, I know my knowledge on past 360 and Xbox games is a little less then my PS3 understanding, but I promise to study hard and improve (as soon as Microsoft gets in gear and starts selling Elites again).
Yes, I even have some Wii games on my list. And yes, I have to buy one of those darn things too. So, how am I going to convince my wife I need a Wii in addition to a 360? I'll have to think of something creative and daring (or just buy it and show her after I set it up). As far as the games go, I'm a huge (HUGE!) Mario and Samus fan. Those original games for the Nintendo Entertainment System were some of the best gaming memories of my childhood (I have them in my closet to this day), so all the games that I don't have already are all on my list. Yes, that includes the Gamecube games. I also may give the Wii play and Wii sports games a shot. I hear they are good for physical therapy type stuff, and my shoulder definitely could use a workout. I promise to film myself and post any embarrassing videos here. No, I definitely won't break my TV (as previously stated, I have no replacement budget). Oh, and if what I'm hearing is true, I wouldn't mind trying a little Bionic Commando on the Wii either. A very interesting rumor indeed.
Finally, I have to throw out my wants for the handheld type stuff. I will definitely get a PSP. As far as a DS goes, I'll just have to see (the brain age stuff looks interesting). Why a PSP? Final Fantasy VII: Crisis Core. I stated above that I'm a huge fan of a couple of familiar Nintendo characters, well, my interest in those games pale by comparison to the Final Fantasy universe (honestly, VII started my on this path and the older games just reinforced it). If I get no other game for that system, I'll be happy. Of course, I'll get more than just that one, I just have to read up a little more on the games. Handhelds are something that I have (unfairly) ignored as of late. In years gone by, I did own and play a Gameboy, and even a Sega Game Gear. I loved both of those systems and I look forward to trying the newest gaming toys.
I know, I probably didn't mention your favorite game. To be honest, this post would be twice as long if I really wrote everything I wanted. Lists by people tend to be boring and suck, but it's kind of a requirement for any gaming outlet to do at least one. Here is my one shot at it, although I can't promise that I won't do another one for an actual holiday (like the one preceding the 2009 gaming season). Do me a favor though. Tell me what you want and why, specifically any Xbox or Wii games that have you interested. I promise, I won't call you names or think less of you for wanting Ninjabread Man 2. I may give you a funny look though.
Well, it's that special time of the year again. Tax Return Time! Have you done your taxes like a good little taxpayer should? No, not yet? Well, me neither, so don't feel bad. Note for all you under 18s out there: Don't worry, you'll be paying taxes like a good upstanding citizen soon, too. Just don't be like Wesley Snipes or Leona Helmsley. Or even worse...Al Capone. Don't know who they are? Read a book. Since I expect great riches back from the government of the U.S. of A. I have a nice long list of games and hardware to buy (by "great riches" I mean enough to help expand my little operation here). WARNING: List to follow. Probably boring.
2008 is shaping up to be a fantastic year to be a gamer. Every time I go online I see another great game that I want to get. The number of games on my want list is getting very long indeed (and quite costly). Starting with my current console of choice (choice because it's the only one I have right now), here are some of my most wanted PS3 games.
Where to start? I guess the beginning would be a good place, such as early '08. First up on my list is Turok. Why? Because I'm a fan of the original N64 games, and maybe if I buy the whole game my daughter will stop playing the demo incessantly, and of course, I'll get to shoot dinosaurs. I know this game is out now, but due to lack of an operating budget here at Gaming by GlossGreen I'll just have to suck it up and wait. OK government, when I file I expect my money post haste. Pronto. Immediately. Now. Alright, I made my point clear. Looking at the next few months just makes my mouth water. I HAVE to get the Dual Shock 3 in April. I have no choice in this. I had it for my other PlayStation consoles, so why couldn't I have it with this new one? By finally releasing this controller Sony is just bringing the balance back to the force. Maybe this lone move will put Sony back into the average gamers good graces. I'll keep my eyes open for that one, but holding my breath is out of the question. I love first person shooters, so I have to add Haze and Turning Point: Fall Of Liberty to my list. This origins trailer has completely sold me on Haze. Prototype is also shaping up to be one interesting game (the character himself has me intrigued). As far at the end of '08 goes, I'm looking forward to Resistance 2 (for obvious reasons), Dead Space (survival horror in space. SPACE!), and LEGO Batman (I just loved the LEGO Star Wars games). Oh, and a couple of small endeavors called Home and Little Big Planet. I don't have to explain those two, do I?
Next up, the Xbox 360. I have one problem with my list for Xbox games. Specifically, I don't have an Xbox yet. So...that is obviously first on my list. As for games, again, I have to start at the beginning. Unlike the PS3, the Xbox beginning for me would have to be 2001, not this year. Since I have yet to play (with the exception of a brief try of Halo 1) any Xbox games, I would need to start there. I do have a number of the original Xbox games on my list that are must buys. But where to start? The Halo series is an obvious first choice. From there I'll just have to experiment and see what more I need to get. I won't talk about the other originals I want here. I'll primarily stick with the 360 games in this post. Now, as far as those 360 games I was talking about, I have to start with the no-brainers, specifically Halo 3, Gears Of War, BioShock and Mass Effect. I know there are many others, but those few will definitely satisfy me to start with. As far as the new games coming this year, I have to go with Halo Wars (duh), Fable 2 (have to get number 1 also), Too Human (if it makes '08), and maybe that Ninja Whatwhosits sequel, you know the one I'm talking about. Oh, there are a ton of other ones, too that I've forgotten to mention. Plus, I know my knowledge on past 360 and Xbox games is a little less then my PS3 understanding, but I promise to study hard and improve (as soon as Microsoft gets in gear and starts selling Elites again).
Yes, I even have some Wii games on my list. And yes, I have to buy one of those darn things too. So, how am I going to convince my wife I need a Wii in addition to a 360? I'll have to think of something creative and daring (or just buy it and show her after I set it up). As far as the games go, I'm a huge (HUGE!) Mario and Samus fan. Those original games for the Nintendo Entertainment System were some of the best gaming memories of my childhood (I have them in my closet to this day), so all the games that I don't have already are all on my list. Yes, that includes the Gamecube games. I also may give the Wii play and Wii sports games a shot. I hear they are good for physical therapy type stuff, and my shoulder definitely could use a workout. I promise to film myself and post any embarrassing videos here. No, I definitely won't break my TV (as previously stated, I have no replacement budget). Oh, and if what I'm hearing is true, I wouldn't mind trying a little Bionic Commando on the Wii either. A very interesting rumor indeed.
Finally, I have to throw out my wants for the handheld type stuff. I will definitely get a PSP. As far as a DS goes, I'll just have to see (the brain age stuff looks interesting). Why a PSP? Final Fantasy VII: Crisis Core. I stated above that I'm a huge fan of a couple of familiar Nintendo characters, well, my interest in those games pale by comparison to the Final Fantasy universe (honestly, VII started my on this path and the older games just reinforced it). If I get no other game for that system, I'll be happy. Of course, I'll get more than just that one, I just have to read up a little more on the games. Handhelds are something that I have (unfairly) ignored as of late. In years gone by, I did own and play a Gameboy, and even a Sega Game Gear. I loved both of those systems and I look forward to trying the newest gaming toys.
I know, I probably didn't mention your favorite game. To be honest, this post would be twice as long if I really wrote everything I wanted. Lists by people tend to be boring and suck, but it's kind of a requirement for any gaming outlet to do at least one. Here is my one shot at it, although I can't promise that I won't do another one for an actual holiday (like the one preceding the 2009 gaming season). Do me a favor though. Tell me what you want and why, specifically any Xbox or Wii games that have you interested. I promise, I won't call you names or think less of you for wanting Ninjabread Man 2. I may give you a funny look though.
Posted in
Update: 30 June 2008- I think I've calmed down a little bit since this post. I still feel that there is a lot of work to be done on N4G, but on average, the people that run it and use it are great. They are a wealth of information and opinions that I can't get anywhere else. So, in closing, I think I'll give them a second shot. What about you?
I'm disappointed. I had to give up my favorite gaming site today. Why? Because the fanboys and poor control by the administration killed it. I know, it's not actually dead yet, but it is to me. I'm talking about N4G, the News For Gamers site. I used to visit everyday to see what was happening in the videogame world. It was convenient because all the news from dozens of site would be collected, approved, and posted by the gamers of N4G. When I first joined, a couple of months ago, all was fine. Sure, there were fanboys there, find me a gaming site that doesn't have them. What really turned me off of the site was the quality of the story submissions as of late.
When you run a site that relies on the average gamer to peruse and collect stories from gaming websites, there's going to be problems. For example, how do you ensure that the submissions are all good quality and relevant to what gamers want to see? How do you ensure that someone won't just plug their own site instead of finding one of those quality stories? How do you know that the stories that are submitted are not just pure garbage and flamebait. Granted, N4G tried to prevent abuses, and did a pretty decent job, until lately that is.
What I've been seeing more of, and what I don't like, are all the forum posts, blog entries, and assorted crap that gets approved. First, a word on the approval process. Step one: A contributor finds a story that he/she wants to post to the site. The contributor then fills in the pertinent information on the N4G site to get the story to the pending phase. Now here's where the problem comes in: After the story goes into the pending area it takes the approval of fellow contributors to allow the story to go to the main page. Now, not every contributor gets the same number of votes to approve the story. Each contributor gets 1-4 votes. For example, I had 1 vote due to the fact that I did not contribute a lot of stories for the main page. A person that has a successful submission history can have 4 votes. Now, for a story to be approved it needs 10 votes. Theoretically, it could only take 3 people to approve a story. The problem? Fanboys flock together. One anti-PS3 contributor could submit a story for approval. He could then get his fellow PS3 haters to vote on the story and approve it. Now the story goes to the main page. When it gets there, everyone sees how controversial the story is and they react to it. To counter the story, other readers comment on the story or report it. If enough people view the story it's temperature raises and, as a result, the story gets a better position on the main page.
Here are a couple of (what I think are) garbage "stories". This first one is representative of the forum posts that seem to be popping up more and more lately. Gears of war gets possessed. So, tell me. How is that news? Here's another one of my favorites, the ubiquitous blog post. The next console generation. The category says industry news. Industry news? Really. Again, where is the news? This blogger posses a question, then refuses to answer it. This kind of post is not news, nor does it actually seem to have a purpose. Needless to say, I disagree (as do a large number of the people commenting) with the points he has brought up. This was a site that I took pride in trying to make better. The snag is when the admins or mods don't stand up against this kind of garbage. With my measly one vote, I don't have much of a say what gets approved or not. And that's why I gave up.
What's the point of trying to improve something when the owners and administrators don't back you on a decision. Are they too afraid of standing on their own and making the tough call. I felt betrayed and abandoned. Thankfully, there are many other gaming sites. I'll just have to do it the old fashioned way, one website at a time.
I'm disappointed. I had to give up my favorite gaming site today. Why? Because the fanboys and poor control by the administration killed it. I know, it's not actually dead yet, but it is to me. I'm talking about N4G, the News For Gamers site. I used to visit everyday to see what was happening in the videogame world. It was convenient because all the news from dozens of site would be collected, approved, and posted by the gamers of N4G. When I first joined, a couple of months ago, all was fine. Sure, there were fanboys there, find me a gaming site that doesn't have them. What really turned me off of the site was the quality of the story submissions as of late.
When you run a site that relies on the average gamer to peruse and collect stories from gaming websites, there's going to be problems. For example, how do you ensure that the submissions are all good quality and relevant to what gamers want to see? How do you ensure that someone won't just plug their own site instead of finding one of those quality stories? How do you know that the stories that are submitted are not just pure garbage and flamebait. Granted, N4G tried to prevent abuses, and did a pretty decent job, until lately that is.
What I've been seeing more of, and what I don't like, are all the forum posts, blog entries, and assorted crap that gets approved. First, a word on the approval process. Step one: A contributor finds a story that he/she wants to post to the site. The contributor then fills in the pertinent information on the N4G site to get the story to the pending phase. Now here's where the problem comes in: After the story goes into the pending area it takes the approval of fellow contributors to allow the story to go to the main page. Now, not every contributor gets the same number of votes to approve the story. Each contributor gets 1-4 votes. For example, I had 1 vote due to the fact that I did not contribute a lot of stories for the main page. A person that has a successful submission history can have 4 votes. Now, for a story to be approved it needs 10 votes. Theoretically, it could only take 3 people to approve a story. The problem? Fanboys flock together. One anti-PS3 contributor could submit a story for approval. He could then get his fellow PS3 haters to vote on the story and approve it. Now the story goes to the main page. When it gets there, everyone sees how controversial the story is and they react to it. To counter the story, other readers comment on the story or report it. If enough people view the story it's temperature raises and, as a result, the story gets a better position on the main page.
Here are a couple of (what I think are) garbage "stories". This first one is representative of the forum posts that seem to be popping up more and more lately. Gears of war gets possessed. So, tell me. How is that news? Here's another one of my favorites, the ubiquitous blog post. The next console generation. The category says industry news. Industry news? Really. Again, where is the news? This blogger posses a question, then refuses to answer it. This kind of post is not news, nor does it actually seem to have a purpose. Needless to say, I disagree (as do a large number of the people commenting) with the points he has brought up. This was a site that I took pride in trying to make better. The snag is when the admins or mods don't stand up against this kind of garbage. With my measly one vote, I don't have much of a say what gets approved or not. And that's why I gave up.
What's the point of trying to improve something when the owners and administrators don't back you on a decision. Are they too afraid of standing on their own and making the tough call. I felt betrayed and abandoned. Thankfully, there are many other gaming sites. I'll just have to do it the old fashioned way, one website at a time.
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