Innovation. That's a word that all the console makers have thrown around on occasion, be it justified or not. Microsoft says that Live is innovative. Sony says that the PS3 and Home are innovative, not to mention the PSP also. Nintendo says their Wii is innovative (that just sounds wrong) and that their DS is innovative as well. Well here's the real scoop. Videogaming as a whole is full of innovation. Each successive generation has been different from the previous one, and the next will also carry that trend forward. What will gaming be like in 10 years? I have no idea, and I don't think the console makers have a clue yet either. It has been said that if you look back you can sometimes see the way forward. Well then, let's take a look.

The early 80's was a confusing time to be a gamer. At the time there were many different consoles were on the market, some rushed to take advantage of the early gaming popularity. The result of all this was a flooding of the market with no real innovation or attempt at quality. The console makers had no control over what games were released by third party developers. Games were rushed to market to make a quick buck, which ended up hurting the industry as a whole.
After the video game crash in 1983 things were looking pretty bleak for gamers. None of the retailers wanted to take a chance on trying to sell a console after the E.T. and Pac-Man (among many others) fiasco of the previous generation. A landfill in New Mexico could prove that point. But, one little console (and one that was original packaged and marketed as a toy at that) would change the video game industry forever.
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