And that's all he wrote.
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I've been dragging this out for a while now and I finally think the time has come to retire this blog. I have been writing here for a few years now and feel a lot of pride in what I have committed here. I don't plan to give up writing, I'm just backing off from my gaming-centric blog and focusing more on my other, more general, blog. Thank you to everyone that has read my work here and encouraged me to be better.
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I don't understand what's happening with gaming lately, but I seem to be more disappointed with the games being released these days. The problem with modern gaming is the emphasis on graphics and gameplay with the story going by the wayside. Don't get me wrong, I like a pretty looking game that controls well, but not at the cost of an interesting story and involving characters. It is getting harder to find that unique story, although, there have been some bright spots.
Mass Effect was one of the more interesting games to come out of the last few years. What I liked about it was the fact that Shepard was a really well developed character and the story was new and creative. The sequel carried on in that vein. I don't necessarily like everything they did with the story and characters in the second one, but at least it was mostly original. BioShock was another game that I loved, but unfortunately it's sequel wasn't as involving.
Speaking of Bioware games, I have to say that I was a bit disappointed with Dragon Age: Origins, although that could be to my general disinterest in fantasy games. The difference between the treatment of the main characters of Mass Effect and Dragon Age were like the difference between night and day. What I really didn't like about it was that the Dragon Age main character had no real personality, other than what you added yourself. I do have an imagination and can develop a character pretty well in my mind, but honestly, the game doesn't give you much to work with. The supporting characters were great and very well developed, but that does not transfer to your hero. Granted, it would have been difficult to come up with a comprehensive script and develop the main character with so many race and class options available. I don't fault Bioware for that, it's just the nature of the game type.
I haven't given up on finding great stories in gaming yet, even though variety seems to be lacking as of late. I can comprehend that this is not a new development and it's up to the game makers to be better than that. Some developers have been up to the challenge, some have not.
Last year I deployed to Iraq with the Army. Unfortunately, that pretty much killed gaming for me. I got used to only having the time to game every once in a while, instead of nearly every day like I did before I deployed. Gaming became less important in my life, I think for pretty obvious reasons. In Iraq life itself becomes more important than anything. I was also very busy at work and that pretty much decided the direction my life was to take, basically all work and no play. Now, I'm back at home and I just don't have the drive for gaming that I used to. I've played a few games since I've been back, but nothing has just gripped me like it did before. The war did change me, as it has changed hundreds of thousands of service members in the last 9 years, and getting the old me back has been difficult.

have been playing through some of my older games lately, some of the ones I bought before going to the big sandbox in Asia. I finally got around to playing God Of War II. I have to say that that game did impress me. The story was interesting, the action was good and it had me hooked until I finished it. Since it wasn't a very long game I was only hooked for a couple of days, oh well. My only problem with the game? Why does K
ratos have to be a dick all the time? I know, the whole "manipulated by the gods and betrayed thing", but from the very beginning he was a bit of an ass. He's kinda like the forgettable main character from the even more forgettable Too Human. Remember that game? I didn'
t either, I had to go to my gaming collection and look at the box to remember it. I'm really glad I did that too, 'shudder'.
Next on my oldies but goodies list was Crimson Skies. Good game, entertaining if a bit repetitive. It wasn't all that memorable to me either. Cookie cutter characters, too many missions that are very similar, simple story- maybe that's what made the game decent. Nothing really bad about it, b
ut nothing really great either.

On to a new(er) game. Dragon Age: Origins is on my current playlist. The game is very reminiscent of Oblivion, but then again, what type of game like this doesn't bring up memories of that gem? OK, I like this game, even if I'm not a fan of the whole fantasy genre. I do like RPGs and that is why I'm playing this one. I'm about a quarter of the way through the game at this point so I'm reserving judgement for now, but I'm happy so far. Hopefully this game has enough of a story to keep me interested until the end.
Anyway, this is my first blog post on Gaming in over 6 months. I have to say, it's good to be back. Maybe I'll even post here like I used to. I had kept a twice a week schedule for quite a while, but I don't know if I can maintain that yet. Hmm, sounds like that would be a good goal to shoot for. What do you think?
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Word Of The Day
The last time I did a Word Of The Day post was waaaaaay back in early 2008. 2008? I've been writing on this blog a lot longer then I remember. Anyway, back to the, hastily written post. Today's words of the day* are COMMON SENSE. Let us begin with the formal definition provided by
sound practical judgement that is independent of specialized knowledge, training, or the like; normal native intelligence.
Common sense is a term that is used frequently in everyday conversation. For example: Common sense tells you that if you step in front of a moving bus you will get hurt. Or, if you are outside in the snow without gloves your hands will get cold. Common sense, right? Basic knowledge that the average person should just know. No additional schooling or thought is required to understand what is generally observed to be common sense. The problem with common sense is that not everyone actually has it. We examples of this every day, the funniest of which culminate in the annual Darwin Awards. I love to read about how the less observant and intelligent of those among us voluntarily remove themselves from our gene pool.
Another example of how people demonstrate a lack of common sense is through the media and legislative demonizing of video games. It seems that everyday brings us another story about how some government or media organization is pointing out how video games have brought upon us the downfall of society. Certain video games are outlawed in many countries on the grounds of "protecting the people". The media loves to point out that video games are the core fault of why our kids (and our society as a whole) is getting fat and/or stupid. Even President Obama thinks kids should put the controller down and study more. And who could forget that whole "sexbox" debacle surrounding the release of Mass Effect a couple of years ago? I know I remember that enlightening episode.
Now, here's where common sense comes into play: Video games are...Games. And as we all know games are for entertainment, for fun. I was watching my daughter play The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion yesterday and I criticized her for playing the brigand by robbing and killing the NPCs that she ran across. She responded by making a logical statement. She said, "I play games because I can't do this stuff in real life". See, common sense.
*Disclaimer: In using the phrase "Word Of The Day" I am not stating that I will, in fact, write about a word every day. It just sounded better than "Word Of The Week" or "Word Of The Whenever The Heck I Feel Like Writing About A Word."
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7 January 2010
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