have been playing through some of my older games lately, some of the ones I bought before going to the big sandbox in Asia. I finally got around to playing God Of War II. I have to say that that game did impress me. The story was interesting, the action was good and it had me hooked until I finished it. Since it wasn't a very long game I was only hooked for a couple of days, oh well. My only problem with the game? Why does K
ratos have to be a dick all the time? I know, the whole "manipulated by the gods and betrayed thing", but from the very beginning he was a bit of an ass. He's kinda like the forgettable main character from the even more forgettable Too Human. Remember that game? I didn'
t either, I had to go to my gaming collection and look at the box to remember it. I'm really glad I did that too, 'shudder'.
Next on my oldies but goodies list was Crimson Skies. Good game, entertaining if a bit repetitive. It wasn't all that memorable to me either. Cookie cutter characters, too many missions that are very similar, simple story- maybe that's what made the game decent. Nothing really bad about it, b
ut nothing really great either.

On to a new(er) game. Dragon Age: Origins is on my current playlist. The game is very reminiscent of Oblivion, but then again, what type of game like this doesn't bring up memories of that gem? OK, I like this game, even if I'm not a fan of the whole fantasy genre. I do like RPGs and that is why I'm playing this one. I'm about a quarter of the way through the game at this point so I'm reserving judgement for now, but I'm happy so far. Hopefully this game has enough of a story to keep me interested until the end.
Anyway, this is my first blog post on Gaming in over 6 months. I have to say, it's good to be back. Maybe I'll even post here like I used to. I had kept a twice a week schedule for quite a while, but I don't know if I can maintain that yet. Hmm, sounds like that would be a good goal to shoot for. What do you think?
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